- Going Places by Janel Abrahami
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- 💥 3 Time Management Secrets to Balance Entrepreneurship + Corporate Career
💥 3 Time Management Secrets to Balance Entrepreneurship + Corporate Career

🤭 OK, the title of this issue is kinda misleading.
Because the "secret hack" to balancing a corporate job & entrepreneurship isn't time management.
It's focus management.
Real talk: The #1 question I always get in messages and conversations with fellow Mavericks in-person is this:
"How do you manage your time to post personal brand content, pitch yourself, deliver talks, and do your day job?"
And over the 3 years I've built my multi-hyphenate career, I've tried in vain in come up with a helpful answer to that question... but I couldn't.
Because I think asking about time management is the wrong question.
Believe me, I'm a sucker for a new "magic bullet" way to plan my day:
I've tried every physical notebook planner, Notion weekly calendar, and time-blocking method that's ever been marketed to side hustlers (anyone else have a free template graveyard in their email inbox?).
None of them made it easier to relax on a Sunday night.
None of them helped me feel truly in control of my day-to-day routine.
You know what has?
Training my focus on the right things, and letting the rest fall into place.
I wish I focused more on my focus- instead of trying to perfect the way I spend time- earlier in my multi-hyphenate career.
SO: Here are 3 "secrets" I use to focus on the shit that moves the needle in my personal brand business and focus on doing great work in my 9-5: